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KU Sports and Health Science : "Advancing Towards a Better and Sustainable Future."

Kasetsart University Council Approves Honorary Doctorate Degree

Kasetsart University Council Approves Honorary Doctorate Degree

Kasetsart University Council Approves Honorary Doctorate Degree

Kasetsart University is delighted and proud to congratulate Professor Bradley J. Cardinal, PhD from Oregon State University on receiving the approval of the Kasetsart University Council to be conferred an Honorary Doctor of Philosophy Degree in the field of Sports Science and Exercise.

Professor Bradley J. Cardinal is a distinguished expert in sports science and exercise, who has made significant contributions to the promotion, research, and development of knowledge in this field. In recognition of his outstanding work and contributions to the sports science and exercise community, both nationally and internationally, the Kasetsart University Council has decided to bestow this honorary degree.

The conferment of this Honorary Doctor of Philosophy Degree symbolizes the acknowledgment of Professor Bradley J. Cardinal's exceptional abilities and valuable contributions, representing a prestigious honor for both the university and the academic community as a whole.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Professor Bradley J. Cardinal on this well-deserved recognition and express our gratitude for his substantial role in advancing the field of sports science and exercise.

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